United Community Blog

Financial Tips

5 tips for financial fitness

5 tips for financial fitness

January 9, 2023 • 0 comments

5 tips for financial fitness

Fitness is often thought of as a purely physical thing, measured by whether you can endure vigorous exercise or exhibit muscular strength. However, financial fitness is just as crucial to your happiness as physical fitness. Achieving financial fitness better allows you to reach your goals and live the life you want.

Spend Smartly

Spend Smartly

October 4, 2022 • 0 comments

Spend Smartly
Preparing for the holidays in the economy

The holiday shopping season is on its way – and even though the economy may be taking a downward turn, you can have a merry season without blowing your own financial forecast. The key is to incorporate smart spending strategies into your holiday planning.

Navigating A Recession

Navigating A Recession

August 26, 2022 • 0 comments

Before you can prepare for a recession, it’s important to know what it is.

A recession is when the country's economy drops over several months or, in some cases, years. During the recession period, the country's gross domestic product, or the value of the goods and services it produces, drastically drops. Due to inflation and high levels of unemployment less money is spent in the market.

Quick Tip: Retirement

Quick Tip: Retirement

May 22, 2019 • 0 comments

Among the most common questions about retirement relate to knowing how much money will be enough to live on.

BALANCE Financial Fitness

BALANCE Financial Fitness

April 7, 2018 • 0 comments

Blog Provided by BALANCE

Five Ways to Establish Credit

Five Ways to Establish Credit

April 7, 2018 • 0 comments

When it comes to getting a credit card, qualifying is actually one of the easiest parts of the process. Establishing a positive credit record, however, requires dedication and patience.